Primegoods Trading and Electrical Supply Company is engaged in the distribution and marketing of various electrical and lighting products. We carry and offer leading and trusted brands of electrical supplies in the market. We ensure a good deal to customer's money
but not affecting the standard of our goods and services.
Primegoods Trading is one of the reliable and trusted suppliers of good quality, cost-effective
electrical and lighting products in the Philippines.
To deliver electrical and lighting products in a manner that fulfills our commitment to clients and business partners.
To our Customers
The best value for their money, to meet their expectations, and to satisfy their needs.
To our Suppliers
Mutually beneficial relationship that reflects market forces based on fairness and trust.
To our Employees
To create opportunities to achieve total human development and pursue a balanced life.
To Communities We Operate
Responsible citizenship and the creation of income generating opportunities
whenever feasible in the course of our business.
To our Business Partners
Reasonable returns, adequate security and growth of their investment.
To our God Almighty
Faithfulness in His calling in the marketplace, total reliance and dependence on him in our business dealings, a source of provisions for His ministry and others. Above all, we give God all the glory!
Work with God
The word of God is the main source of principles which guide our actions and decisions.
We anchor all that we do on a strong personal relationship with him.
We give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is due to God.
We promise what we can deliver and deliver what we promise.
We put what is best for client's ahead of what is best for us.
We practice honesty and transparency in our business.
Never Give Up
We always persevere. Success don't always go to the strongest or brightest.
The man who wins is the man who thinks he can.
Negate Unrighteousness
We excel for what is good and innocent for what is evil.
We practice fairness in our dealings and conduct our business always by the golden rule.
We give our best in all that we do,
and strive to meet or even exceed the expectations of our clients and business partners.
Responsible Ownership
We strive to be good and faithful stewards of all the resources entrusted to us by God.
We seek the total developement of our people and the pursuit of a life that honors the Lord.
Circuit Breakers
Panel Boards
Wires & Cables
Wiring Devices
Consumer Lightings
Professional Lightings
Conduit Pipes & Fittings
Electrical Accessories
General Merchandises
Batangas State University
Bicol Medical Center
Bulacan State University
Bureau of Internal Revenue-Main
Bureau of Treasury
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas-Security Plant Complex
Clark Development Corporation
Department of Finance
Department of Interior & Local Government
Development Bank of the Philippines
Duty Free Philippines
House of Representatives
Lung Center of the Philippines
Manila International Airport Authority
National Police Commission
National Statistic Office
Pamantasan ng Lunsod ng Maynila
Philippine International Convention Center
Philippine Heart Center
Philippine Orthopedic Center
Philippine Ports Authority
Philippine Science High School
Rizal Memorial Medical Center
Supreme Court of the Philippines
Tarlac State University
Tarlac Agricultural University
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
Technological University of the Philippines
University of the Philippines-Diliman
University of the Philippines-Manila
Veteran's Memorial Medical Center
"And God is able to bless us abundantly, so that in all things at all times,
having all that we need, we will abound in every good work. "
2 Corinthians 9:8